Reaching FansWith Simplicity

Would you be more successful if you reached more customers? At fanplicity, everything we do, all the products we create, and all the services we provide, are designed to help you reach more customers (we call them “fans”) more often and more successfully. If you are tired of hearing the same old marketing pitch told differently, one of our Modern Marketing Solutions might just be what you’ve been searching for.




The Reach


It works!

Capture + Communicate = Conversion (c+c=c)

The two biggest mistakes business owners and managers make are 1 not capturing customer contact information and 2 a failure to successfully communicate with those customers. Reaching customers begins with a campaign designed to capture the customer’s contact information. Many business owners and managers think this is being accomplished for them on Facebook or in an email mailing list. For example, you may have a “marketing” news letter you email monthly or perhaps you invite as many customers as possible to “Like” your business Facebook page, but you’re probably frustrated with the low conversion rate at the cash register… enter (successful) communication. While it’s true that you cannot communicate if you don’t capture, what’s the point in putting in the effort it will take to capture if you’re only getting an engagement rate of 1-3% or an email open rate of 18-25% – THAT’S 25 OUT OF EVERY 100 – LESS THAN EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION AT BEST!


They lose


They reach up to



We retain


We reach




We refuse to sit by and watch another business go out of business – it’s just not acceptable. The number one thing every business must do is reach customers. In fact, we believe that the more customers you reach the more business you will generate. The biggest problem is this, reaching customers has never been more difficult.


Rich DeForest
Founder and President
Brooke Rayburn
Executive Vice President
Suzanne Brewer
Accounting Department Manager
PV Gohil
Web Developer
Our Work